Still life and cold weather creativity!

Yellow roses still life oil painting

Still life painting is an excellent way of using all my skills of observation, when it is too cold to venture outside to paint!

Still life painting in cold weather. My friends and I meet up in each other’s studios where we set up still life subjects. We also paint each other, for a change,  sometimes including visitors to the studio. These cold weather painting days therefore, help keep us in practice.  At the same time they help us to build a worthwhile body of work for future exhibitions and gallery events.

Here is a short video I made whilst out painting recently. You get to hear conversations with people I meet while painting, enjoy, and remember to leave your e-mail details to ‘come painting with me’ next time.

Here are some more recent oils painted in the studio while waiting for warmer and drier weather, First is a wall of framed paintings ready for exhibition, and a view of the Doges Palace, Venice from a photo and sketches I made when last in Venice. These can be found with my latest works on my web site.